How to run webix doc locally

I clone GitHub - webix-hub/docs: Documentation for Webix UI ( sources of ), but how to run it?

Sorry, it is not purposed for local usage

Files in data folder are normal markdown files, so you can open them with any text editor though.

If necessary we can provide a CHM version of doc for a local usage.

Yes, I need CHM version, please send me a copy, thanks!

Thank you!

Hi maksim, do you update chm to v2.3 and how to download? thanks

You can use a next link


Hi maksim, this CHM package is great!
But is this one kept updated with the latest changes that may appear on the website?

Above file contains actual version of documentation from 25/03/2015

We do not plan to update the chm file after minor updates in documentation. In two month, when Webix 2.4 will be released, we will release the webix_v24.chm.

Hi Maksim, thanks for the feedback and updates.

Due to ‘overflow: hidden;’ option hardcoded in all the pages, I cannot see the CHM properly on my OSX with any reader since there is no vertical scroll.

To whom it may concern: I extracted the CHM file, and replaced that option using:

find . -type f -name “*.html” | xargs perl -pi -w -e ‘s/overflow: hidden;/overflow: auto;/g’

Then I can see the docs locally with a simple web server like “ws”.

I would be better if we can get the docs from GitHub and compile them (as html) locally or something like that.

Anyway, can’t wait for 2.4 release that includes the Portlet layout! :slight_smile:

Thanks for info. We will fix the styling
if necessary, I can provide a link to zip with static HTML version of documentation

A link to a zip with the html pages is just great!
Thank you, Maksim! I really appreciate your support.

HTML version of Webix documentation for version 2.3

Well done! Again, many thanks! :slight_smile:

One last statement on this subject: sorry for stressing this out, but it would be best if this would be the official link for the packaged HTML documentation, meaning it will be kept in sync with the documentation updates.

Yep, I think we will add links to chm and html packages to the footer of documentation

Hi maksim, how to download the HTML and CHM version of Webix documentation for version 2.5?

Thanks. One thing bothers me when I use webix chm doc - the search functionality isn’t working, could you please fix it?

Yep, we will fix it ( Search have worked initially, it is some regression in latest builds )