Datatable selectfilter with options, how to get associated value?

I’m using custom data options for a select filter on datatable. For example:

options = { 1 : 'Yes', 2 : 'No' };

I’m binding datatable to a htmlform with setValues. In datatable, the raw values are replaced with ‘yes/no’. In the form, the values for this column is shown as 1,2, etc. which is normal since those are actual values. But is there anyway to get the ‘yes/no’ value? Will save some logic if this is already returned somewhere.

Hello @mykal ,
As a solution, you can add extra logic to set the new values before calling setValues.
Please check the snippet:


Unfortunately, I may have over simplified for my example. In my use case, I have much more values for the selectFilter. Although your solution should work regardless, just a little more code required.
