Forms and sizing

Greetings –

I’m trying to find an ‘elegant’ solution for sizing to parent content given a common view pattern.

Please refer to

This snippet demonstrates how we’d like to see a toolbar/list/form size to the parent container. The ‘ugliness’ is line #16. If you comment out the empty form view ‘shim’, sizing reverts to an undesired effect.

Would you have any suggestions for a more ‘elegant’ solution to apply to this pattern?

Hope it all makes sense :slight_smile:


Hello @croixnet ,

Would you have any suggestions for a more ‘elegant’ solution to apply to this pattern?
As a solution, for vertical resizing is the autoheight:false setting to the form, which allows the form to grow.
Please take a look at the snippet:
Please note that the spacer view {} is used to fill empty space.
They take space in a layout row/column and (as any other non-sized Webix widget) react on layout/viewport resizing.

Hi Anna –

You’re the best! Exactly what I was looking for … Thanks so much!
