Datatable column filter doesn't always show options loaded from backend

First of all, I would like to say that I enjoy webix very much :slight_smile: it’s an excellent framework.

Sometimes when I click on header multiselect filter on datatable column options that were successfully loaded from REST endpoint don’t show up. If I resize any column they appear.

Code I used for this column:

id: “userGroupId”,
view: “combo”,
options: “hub->hub/userGroup/getAllValue”,
fillspace: true,
sort: “string”,
header: [
localization.translate(“userGroup”), {
content: “multiSelectFilter”,

Hello @kole ,
I could not reproduce the issue. Even assuming that the response from the server is delayed, but it should still come to the datatable without manual resizing, as an example -
Could you please share a code where the issue can be spotted?