1 datacollection, 2 datatables, how to keep column order/filter independant

Hi team.

Got 2 windows having 2 differents datatables (using column sort and filtering), but using the same datacollection (which is updated in realtime using websocket).

When i filter a column in the second window, data are filtered both in window A and window B. It’s because the sort and filter is datacollection side and datacollection is common.

Expected (visualy):
Each datatable should show it’s own sort/filtering.

Wondering about playing with datacollection copy, problem is that i can have big data, more than 100Mo, so, i’d like to avoid datacollection copy.

By example: https://snippet.webix.com/0e6e299b when a sort with column Year in the first datatable instance, the second one is updated too. I’m looking for the second one not to be updated, but work on the same datacollection.

Do you suggest something particular for this case ?

Thank you

Got it. Of course snippet works, but not in my heavy code. Investigating.


also you don’t have to manually sync to collection.
setting table’s {data:collection} is enough

@intregal thank you, but something is missing (it does not work). See https://snippet.webix.com/6v0iwsul

it does not work
you have mistakenly set data to window, not datatable

Drunked here, nice spot, thank you