addRowCss by condition

Hello. I want to apply css style for rows using condition. Style should depends on data in the cells of one column. I execute $(‘table’).sort("#status#", “dsc”, “string”); for sorting and after it I should apply css for each row. Cells of column #status# can be as 0, 1 or 2. Also I have other sort function but I should remove CSS before starting it and again apply CSS after execution $(‘table’).sort("#status#", “dsc”, “string”);
My question is: how to apply addRowCss using condition on cells values in one column?

Hello @evgeny2k ,
I suggest you attach onAfterSort event. The handler will take three parameters - template of sort-by field, direction of sorting and type of sorting. And depending on the direction of sorting apply the desired CSS.
Please check the next snippet:

Thank you for the response but I found another way. Each time before sorting I use
$$('table').clearCss("bg1"); $$('table').clearCss("bg2");
and after it I use sorting like this:
case 'Helpers first': $$('table').sort("#helper#", "dsc", "string"); $$('table').eachRow( function(row){ var item = $$('table').getItem(row); if (item.helper == 0){ $$('table').addRowCss(row, "bg1"); }else{ $$('table').addRowCss(row, "bg2"); } }); break;
P.S. In this example used only 2 possible cells values, 0 and 1.