I have datatable for one column I have used multiselect editor, now I have to add template for that

I have datatable for one column I have used multiselect editor, now I have to add template for that multisuggest list. I added template to the column

columnCfg.suggest = {
body: {
template: function (item) {
return “someCode”;

Here the problem is when we do this multisuggest is becoming suggest.

I mean multi-select editor became single-select editor.

My requirement here is I need to add a template to grid cell multi-select editor

try to set suggest’s view attribute to ‘multisuggest’

columnCfg.suggest = {
  view: "multisuggest",
  body: {
    template: function (item) {
      return "someCode";

template working fine, but here the problem is multi-select editor behaving differently. I mean selected multiple values separated previously now it’s a merge, because of this some issues are coming.

Thanks for a quick reply

I got the solution with below junk.

webix.editors.$popup.multiselect = {
view: ‘multisuggest’,
separator: Constants.STR_SEPERATOR,
suggest: {
button: true
body: {
template: function (item) {