TypeError: this.P.template is not a function

Hello , I have a scrollview and I define the template , if the description is : “Hello##################
#(test)” , I have an error in firebug and the text is empty, and if the description is : “Hello##################
(test)”, it is ok . Is it normal ?

version not ok : https://snippet.webix.com/k91psv3q

version ok : https://snippet.webix.com/zt2f5vii

up ?

if template is defined as string then #blabla# is recognized as field address and in your case <br> must be a field in template’s data.
if you are forced to use #blabla# in output then define template as function

    template: () => "<div style='font-family: Courier; font-size: 0.9em;'>" + description + "<div>"