Issue in parsing data with special characters while export to excel in pivot

As seen in the above snippet, column “continent” has special characters “<,>” as seen below.
“continent”: “Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd

The issue is when i included export to excel functionality to export the pivot grid data as shown in the below snippet.

Export to excel snippet:
webix.toExcel($$(“table”), {rawValues:true});

The “continent” column is empty in the excel or if i remove “rawValues:true” it is populating as & lt;Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd& gt;

Please guide me how it can be seen as “Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd” in the excel instead of & lt;Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd& gt;

Can anyone please guide on the above issue?
@Helga @Listopad @maksim
It worked
Addition of {filterHTML:false}
Replicated the issue in the above snippet.
In the above snippet the column name “continent” with data
'Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd’is being exported as “<Group:/asa/Groups/asd/asd&gt” in excel
Is there a way it can be exported as with <,> symbol instead of being parsed as &lt,&gt
Can anyone please guide on the above issue