Huge data loading in spreadsheet


I have two questions.

Q1: What is the best browser friendly way to load huge amount of rows in spreadsheet? I have more than 200k rows where each row contains 30 cells, while loading this huge volume, the browser page crashes sometimes. Even if the data is shown, it takes huge amount of time for the rendering process.

Q2: How to add a row that contains cell values in spreadsheet?

Hello @zihad,

Q1: What is the best browser friendly way to load huge amount of rows in spreadsheet? I have more than 200k rows where each row contains 30 cells, while loading this huge volume, the browser page crashes sometimes. Even if the data is shown, it takes huge amount of time for the rendering process.

Loading time depends on the data. For example, if the data is with many styles, then loading data will be slower. If loading without styles, then everything should be instantaneous.
Also,it depends on how the data is loaded. Please check the following thread :

So here’s what you can do to improve the speed:

  • try to delete styles before analyzing data: Code Snippet
  • convert your .xls to a .csv file format or a JSON on the server side, and only then load the data into your spreadsheet, it should be faster.

Q2: How to add a row that contains cell values in spreadsheet?

A single row can be easily inserted by calling the insertRow() method. You can specify the exact place where the row should be inserted as well, which allows you to make use of the context menu location. The context menu itself can be modified via the onContextMenuConfig event handler, allowing you to replace the default context menu entirely with a custom one. To make your new menu functional, you should assign custom functions to every command called within the new menu via the onCommand event handler.
Please take a look at the snippet:

Hello @annazankevich,

for Q1, I am already using Json data with no style. Data is generated from the server as json, but while showing the spreadsheet, its not instantaneous

Thanks for Q2 answer :smile: