Webix jet localhost on smartphone

Good day, how to check my jet app on mobile device? Thanks!

Hello @arik,

Good day, how to check my jet app on mobile device? Thanks!

The solution partly depends on the backend you are using to deploy the said application.

In the case that you are using the default webpack-dev-server (for testing purposes), you will need to deploy it with the --host parameter - this lets the server listen for requests from the network, not just localhost. Here is what your package.json file should look like:

"scripts": {
    "start": "webpack-dev-server --host",

Now you will have to actually deploy the server on your machine. After the server has been deployed, you can now try and connect to it via your phone. But first, you will need to get the IP of your local machine.

To find out the IP address of your desktop you can open up the command line and type in the following command: ipconfig (Windows) or ifconfig (Unix). The IP address will be listed under the “IPv4-address” section. Remember that address, since you are going to use it to access your app from your mobile device.

On your mobile device on the same network (important - both of the devices have to be connected to the same network), visit the following address:


For example, your address should look similar to this:

If you are unable to reach the page, you might need to add your server to the firewall exceptions. For instance, if we are talking about the webpack-dev-server (or any other Node-based backend), you will need to add the Node.js executable to the firewall exceptions.

Provided that everything has been done correctly, you should now be able to access your application on your mobile device