Multicombo with newValues in a Form - Change in behavior from Webix 7.3+

From webix 7.3 and above, formID.getValues() returns random-generated list ID for the newly added item in multicombo, instead of the entered value.

Check the snippet:

Run it in <=7.2 and 7.3+ to see the difference.

How can I get the entered value with newValues: true in multicombo?

@Nastja @maksim Can you please help with this?

Hello @pnam,

From webix 7.3 and above, formID.getValues() returns random-generated list ID for the newly added item in multicombo, instead of the entered value.

In fact, this is a deliberate change that was done in order to fix an older issue (previously, it was possible to add entries with the same (duplicate) id, resulting in multiple errors).

Now, the new options are added with a specified value and a unique id (same rules as for any data component, so it is in line with the common logic).

How can I get the entered value with newValues: true in multicombo?

It is still possible to get the added values by accessing the inner list of the multicombo - you can use the unique id to get the item (and its value). Please take a look at the following example: Code Snippet (to get the last added value specifically, simply refer to the last element in the array - Code Snippet).