Datatable Export

I have done Export functionality in the Webix jet. I am facing problem during server-side exporting. actually I have server-side datatable but I want to export all data from the database. how can I do that? please help.

@Dzmitry @maksim can you please help ?

Hello @Naufil,

I have done Export functionality in the Webix jet. I am facing problem during server-side exporting. actually I have server-side datatable but I want to export all data from the database

Could you please clarify on what you mean by “export functionality” in this case? Are you working with an external server-side config of a datatable and want to also provide the data within that config?

If I understood your use case correctly, please take a look at the following example: Code Snippet. Note the provided object - it contains both the config and the data properties. As implied by their names, the config should contain the configuration object for the datatable, and the data should contain the data that should be loaded inside the datatable. Here is the same example, but this time we get the config from a third party - Code Snippet.

You can read more about external configuration of the datatable in the following chapter of our documentation - External Configuration of DataTable, Configuration Webix Docs.

Please do correct me if I am wrong about your use case.

Hey, @Dzmitry thank you for the response.
I have done excel and pdf export functionality using webix.toExcel() and webix.toPdf().

what I want that I want to export all data using the server-side. as you know in server side we don’t display all the data.

so how can i export all data in excel or pdf ?