DatepickerFilter format in a datatable

I’m using a custom format (%d/%m/%Y) in a date column and I’m using datepickerFilter in the column, but the datepicker is not using the format function and when I pick a date it shows format %m/%d/%Y so if cannot match the results.

{ id:“date”,
{ content:“dateFilter”}
] ,
format:webix.Date.dateToStr("%d/%m/%Y"), sort:“int”

You can find the snippet here:

Hello @raugonzalez,

I’m using a custom format (%d/%m/%Y) in a date column and I’m using datepickerFilter in the column, but the datepicker is not using the format function and when I pick a date it shows format %m/%d/%Y so if cannot match the results.

The date format is responsible only for the visual representation of the Date object in this case, and does not affect filtering in any way. The filtering is done entirely using the data that has been passed inside the datatable. Even in the provided example, the data is filtered correctly, as far as I can see.

Still, if you wish to change the format displayed in the input of the datepickerFilter, you can do so by setting it in the inputConfig property: Code Snippet.