Uncaught TypeError: 1596718552656 is not a function

I’m getting the following errors when the mouse cursor moves over a datatable with dynamic loading enabled (This is v7.4.2). I’m sorry but I do not know how to debug this to provide you more useful information.

datastore.js:569 Uncaught TypeError: 1596718552656 is not a function
    at Array.find (<anonymous>)
    at ve.getIndexById (datastore.js:569)
    at u.getIndexById (datastore.js:773)
    at u.tS (areaselect.js:215)
    at u.render (areaselect.js:215)
    at u.<anonymous> (areaselect.js:215)
    at ve.<anonymous> (helpers.js:97)
    at ve.callEvent (eventsystem.js:56)
    at ve.refresh (datastore.js:216)
    at ve.removeMark (datastore.js:824)

I think it may relate to the tooltips on the table as if i set the parameter tooltip:false I no longer receive the errors. Let me know if / how i can provide more helpful information

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I resolved above issue with this patch

    return;//polyfill is required
  Array.prototype.find = function (p) {
    if (typeof p != 'function') {
      arguments[0] = function (obj) {
        return obj == p
    return arrayFind.apply(this, arguments)

probably something related to removed webix.PowerArray

Thank you @intregal

Hi @SrvrSide and @intregal

Could you please provide more details on your implementation?

This error seems quite strange: truly, the getItemById uses a custom find method, but it should not conflict with native Array API.
I would be glad if you can help us to find the exact conditions for this issue.

The following example (tooltip enabled) and separate calls for getIndexById reveal no problem, unfortunately: https://snippet.webix.com/ixxn2zgt
The datathrottle here is set to 1000ms to imitate slow data loading and get a chance to move the cursor over the empty rows.


Hi @Listopad
my implementation is exactly the same as in my prev post.
it is hard to repeat the error but I am sure that code like this will lead to error
datastore.js line 146

this.order = this.order.slice(0, endpos)

in this case order.find will be plain Array.find not PowerArray.find

hello @Listopad, I’m sorry as I could not overcome the issue reliably I took another approach, I needed stable operation so couldn’t afford to chase it. I will try and reimplement the dynamic loading in a test harness over the next few days to see if I can produce the same error.