Nesting a widget (timeline) inside an expandable datatable (using subview)

I am currently playing with the 30 day demo of Webix to see if it meets our requirements. So far it looks great, but I am struggling every so often with the ‘how do I achieve this’ style of questions. I have spent a fair amount of time on this, looking at treetables or accordions instead.

I may be approaching this in entirely the wrong way, but I am trying to create a table with expandable rows that when expanded render a timeline (or other widget).

I have created a bare bones example here:

Note that in the real code there would be two calls made to the API, one for the entries in the table and one for the ‘details’ to be shown for that entry (via the onSubViewCreate). I have hard coded example data for each of these cases instead of the API calls.

Thank you for any help.

you have a little typo
line 7: change minheight to minHeight

Thank you so much for the speedy response, that is a painful mistake! Wasted hours trying all sorts of different configurations and widgets. No wonder I couldn’t get it to work no matter what widget combination I tried!

Thanks again.

Chaining onto this: How would one resize the timeline elements based on their content? As you can see in this small modification of the above exmaple the timeline element hold more text than it displays: Code Snippet
I tried sizeToContent: true, autoHeight:true and height:true but this didn’t do the trick.
Thanks a lot!