Testing tools

There are any testing tools for Webix? Do you recomended any third-part-tool?

Normal JS testing tools will work fine enough.

We are using Mocha based unit tests ( http://mochajs.org/ ) and CasperJs ( http://casperjs.org/ ) based functional tests for the library and Webix based apps

well, but how can i assign an ID attribute to an element to select it properly in test?


Do you mean an HTML element?
If you have a Webix ID you can use the next locator div[@view_id=ID]

done, thank you very much.

There is a great tool that maybe you are not familiar with - Screenster (http://screenster.io). It is a test automation tool and 10 times more productive than any other tool, working on the cloud and codeless.

@maksim Have you tried testing Webix/Jet with Puppeteer? I’m running into an issue with not being able to click buttons and just curious if you’ve run into this as well?