Tooltip on Form Image

In this snippet ( I’ve loaded an image and I would like to set the tooltip programmatically.

Can someone show me how to call the element in this Form View to modify the tooltip string?

Hello @McNoober ,

Can someone show me how to call the element in this Form View to modify the tooltip string?
You can modify the tooltip of form template via define() + refresh()
Please check the next example:
Code Snippet

Thank you, Anna!
How did you figure that out? I’d love to know so that I can answers these questions for myself.

For more information about (re)defining property, please visit our documentation - Changing Properties of Components of Guides, Configuring Components Webix Docs
Please note that form.elements is an object that stores hash of all UI elements that are recognized as form inputs, so you can modify these elements as well. By using the define() method, you are redefining a single configuration property, in our situation it’s “tooltip”, and then refresh the form.