Differences between library sources

Hi there!

I have installed Webix from packagist (npm i webix) and I can’t figure out, does this version include all ui components or just basic/free components? For example, tabbar. Is it available in this version or I have to download trial version or purchase license to use tabbar and other components?

Hello @plt,
The ui.tabbar is supported by the GPL version. Widgets and controls that are not included are described here and are marked as “Available only in Pro Edition” in the documentation.
Most likely the problem is related to the webix connection on the page. To start using Webix UI library, create an HTML document and include the Webix source files (webix.js and webix.css) into it. After that, you will be able to use Webix widgets on a page.
Please refer to the following guide to learn how to include the Webix UI library into your project.