How to Prevent to close sidemenu in webix jet.

I have a form in sidemenu which is opening from the right side when I click on the edit button from datatable.

whenever I click on the edit button from datatable, sidemenu first closed if open then open again.

what I want that if sidemenu is open and the user click on another edit button then only form value should change, not have to close then open.

Hello @Naufil,

whenever I click on the edit button from datatable, sidemenu first closed if open then open again.

By default, sidemenu will always be hidden upon losing focus (since the component is based on a popup, and that is the default behaviour for that component), so it is not really possible to use the base component and expect this behaviour. However, you can create a custom sidemenu of sorts based on a window, meaning it won’t be hidden upon losing focus.

Please take a look at the following example: Code Snippet.

Alternatively, you can always use a sidebar instead: Code Snippet.

Thank you @Dzmitry, sidemenu-win is the answer what I wanted.