text field in window - pattern works only once


as CodeSnippet shows - 7.1 introduced this strange behaviour

Hi, @keson
try not to re-use the same config.
instead use its copy as webix.copy(config)

Hi @integral,

thank You, now it works!

@integral, after some testing i’ve found, that webix.copy in some programs (50/50) gives me:

Attempt to copy object with self reference


Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

it usually appears when complex objects like DataCollection are used in config.
this is a limitation (bug?) of webix.copy
if you have to use such complex objects then try to use own copy method or third party libs

@integral in my case all data sources specified outside of window(form(control)) definition, fi:

 { view:"combo", options:{data:data_source

have to be replaced with

{view:"combo", options:{ body:{url:function(text){this.parse(webix.ajax("url"}}));}}}

but i found simpler solution for main problem: define patterned fields in proto: