Webix 8 - Extending Existing Content Element


Trying to switch to Webix 8.0 and some code has seemingly stopped working.

webix.ui.datafilter.totalCountedDDL = webix.extend({
    refresh: function (master, node, value) {
        var result = 0;
        master.data.each(function (obj) {
            var column = value.columnId;
            if (obj && obj[column]) {
        node.firstChild.innerHTML = result + ' / ' + master.data.count() + $.i18n._(' items are loaded.');
}, webix.ui.datafilter.summColumn);

This seems to have stopped working and my footer appears to show a simple whitespace in the place to the original text.
Followed instructions in documentation, which haven’t changed (in case of Webix internal logic change).
Is there a way to fix this?

Best regards

try to use node.innerHTML instead of node.firstChild.innerHTML

That worked. Amazing. Thank you very much.

Followed instructions in documentation, which haven’t changed (in case of Webix internal logic change)

Thank you for pointing it out. We have mentioned the change in the Migration guide, but not in the main documentation. We will fix this shortly.