text view with gridsuggest

Hi all,
I have put a gridsuggest as suggest view of a text view. When the text view gain focus the suggest window does not popup. How Can I open the suggest popup when I click or set focus on text? I tried several approches (onFocus, on ItemClick) but they do not work, I mean the window sometime popus some other not.

  view: "text",
  name: "A",
  label: "A",
  required: true,
  placeholder: "...",
  on: {
   onFocus: function () {
   onChange: function (n, o) {
    if (n && n != o) {
     __on_change1__(particle, {})
  suggest: {
   view: "gridsuggest",
   on: {
    onValueSuggest: function (v) {
     __on_change__(particle, v)
   resize: true,
   body: {
    columns: [{
     id: "value",
     header: "A",
     width: 200
    }, {
     id: "B",
     header: "B",
     width: 200
    }, {
     id: "C",
     header: "C",
     width: 200
    on: {
     onAfterLoad: function () {
      var input = this.getParentView().config.master
      if (this.count() == 0)
    scroll: 'xy',
    autoheight: false,
    autowidth: false,
    width: 500,
    autofocus: true,
    yCount: 5,
    resizeColumn: true,
    dataFeed: function (str) {
     this.load(this.config.url + "&filter[A]=" + str);
    url: loadcgi(__app__.cookie) + "&__E=clientiC"

I’m working on this snippet

Hi @codejoin ,
It is expected behavior for suggest in any inputs (works the same in combo).