Bug: datatable.getSelectedId(true, true) returns mixed types

$$(id).getSelectedId(true, true) seems to returns IDs in mixed results:

[1605265779977, "1605265779974", "1605265779975", "1605265779976"]

I assume this is a bug?

Using webix 8.0.1

if original ids are of mixed type, then this is normal.

But I’m explicitly using the parameter “asString”, documentation says: optional, specifies whether the returning result should be a string

you are right.
but there is a note in docs details

If the "asString" parameter is set, the result value will depend on the selection mode:

    "row" or true - 4 (as in the dataset)
    "column" - "votes"
    "cell" - "4_votes"

I don’t fully understand that part of the documentation. But I think that applies to a single ID? Not an array

It’s weird that the array contains mixed values when they were not entered as mixed values…

This bug exists in other places too. I’m using a sidebar and onAfterSelect that has the id as parameter. The first time I select an item, the id is of type number as expected. Any click after that, the type is string.

This causes problems when I compare it with an enum in Typescript, which is a number by default.

This causes problems when I compare it with an enum in Typescript, which is a number by default.

try not to use strict equality ===
use plain equality == instead

That is a workaround and would go against my linting rules. There are many workarounds for this bug but I’m reporting it as one so it will be solved in the future…