Get item on drag ui.list


I have ui.list with drag one item, not multiselect.

item before Drop have index example= 5

onAfterDrop:function(context, e){

//new Item index after drop, example = 2. Good.

// Get index this item by Id
// this return OLD item index  = 5

//This coder too return OLD item indexes 
Object.entries($$('filesPhotosEdit'), i, arr) {
    idF = item[0];


Why he return OLD item indexes ? How i get new item indexes?

can you share a snippet?
in this one your code is working as expected

Your code work good. I change all “$$(‘filesPhotosEdit’).files” to “this” and my code work all good!

“$$(‘filesPhotosEdit’).files.getIndexById(idF)” to “this.getIndexById(idF)”

Excellent!!! Thanks @intregal !