Treetable moveup & movedown

Hello webix team,

Please refer below snippet:

Here, on click of moveup & movedown buttons, I’ve to moveup & movedown treetable row by one step (i.e only move node with level 1). How can I do this?

Hello @Pooja ,
As a solution, you can try to use move method. Please take a look at the snippet:

Thank you so much @annazankevich for the given solution.

hello webix team,

Please refer below snippet in which getting issues in moveup & movedown.

hello team,

Any updates for the given problem?

@annazankevich , solution is partially working . There is another one Issue ,

  1. select first node and move down till end
  2. keep selection as it is and then click on move up button
  3. also check for node with children for same scenario.

Please refer below snippet.

Please do the needfull. Thanks in advance.

hello team,

Any updates for the given problem?

is there any solution on this ? , Or Please suggest us alternative way for the same . Thanks

@annazankevich - is there any solution on this ? , Or Please suggest us alternative way for the same . Thanks

Is there any solution on this ? , Or Please suggest us alternative way for the same .
