Dashboard Panel Borders


I’m having an issue where dashboard panels sometimes have no borders except around their headers. It seems like it is based on the contents of the body, as demonstrated in this snippet:


Notice that the chart has borders on all sides, the label has no borders, and the gauge is missing a bottom border.

Is there a workaround for this?

Hello, @aklein

The borders of a panel overlap the borders of the nested view
Speaking about the gage, the view has minimal sizes by default:


If they are not reset, the view will be overflowing (if the dashboard cell is smaller), so the border is hidden. The solution is:


As for label, by default, its borders are hidden. And it’s possible to make them visible by borderless: false. Pay attention, by default, label has sizes, and they are pretty small, so we would recommend you replace label with template or place the label into a layout within a panel

Here is an example: Code Snippet

Thank you, this helped a lot!