Drag and drop panel from one dashboard into a different dashboard


I was wondering if it is possible to drag a panel from inside of one dashboard to another dashboard. To be even more specific, I have a dashboard panel I’ve made whose body’s view is a dashboard. I’m doing this as a sort of “grouping” mechanism for panels.

To clarify, here is the structure I am talking about and what I will call them:
“outer dashboard” - dashboard view
----> panel - panel in the “outer dashboard”
--------> “group dashboard” - dashboard view on the body of the panel

It works fine when dragging from a different source outside of the “outer dashboard”, but I would like to be able to drag a panel from the “outer dashboard” into the “group dashboard”.

I’ve played with the drag events and they don’t fire on the “group dashboard” in this scenario. The drag events on the “outer dashboard” also don’t seem to contain enough information for me to do it manually. Webix is clearly aware of which panel is being dragged over though, because the “outer dashboard” will automatically move panels out of the way after dropping one on top of them.

Is there a built-in away to accomplish what I’m trying to do here? Thanks.