Kanban board unable to clearAll()

I keep seeing the following error when I try to clear my Kanban board:

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘importData’ of null
at o._syncData (kanban.js:formatted:314)
at o._applyOrder (kanban.js:formatted:277)
at webix.DataStore. (webix_debug.js:249)
at webix.DataStore.callEvent (webix_debug.js:587)
at webix.DataStore.refresh (webix_debug.js:11838)
at webix.DataStore.clearAll (webix_debug.js:12184)
at o.clearAll (webix_debug.js:12381)
at Object.cleanUpKanbanBoardData (myFunctions.js:1153)
at onListAfterDrop (myFunctions.js:1045)

Could you please let me know what kind of data is it trying to import after clearing the data? Or how to fix this issue?

For context, I’m trying to clear all old data from the board and add new data in. Please refer to the function below for more information:

async cleanUpKanbanBoardData(){
	let db_result = await asyncronous call

The above function would run well for 2 or 3 times and then break.