Mixing serverFilter und textFilter

I have a datatable which contains serverFilters and one textFilter column.
I want to filter the textFilter column locally. But everytime I change the value, the request is sent to the server.
How can I filter on the client side?

let datatable = {        
	view: "datatable",
	id: oConfig.sDataTableId,
	hover: "datatable_hover",
	complexData: true,
	dragColumn: true,
	editable: false,
	resizeColumn: true,
	select: "row",
	scroll: "xy",
	pager: oConfig.sPagerId,
	url: "intra->member",
	columns: [
		id: "email",
		header: ["E-Mail", {content: "serverFilter"} ],
		width: 250,
	}, {            
		id: "department_name",
		template: function(item) {                
			let arrDepts = [];
			for(dept in item.departments) {
			return arrDepts.join(", ");
		header: ["Gruppen", {content: "textFilter"} ],
		width: 400,
		fillspace: 1


This is by design. We assume that if one of the filters is a server one, the others also start working in a server mode. Combining both may cause difficulties: if you for instance filter data on serverside, you cannot unfilter it locally.

Maybe you need a separate input outside a datatable to filter locally or on server not to mix both types.

If you still want to try combining them, you need to provide a local flag to the custom grid.filterByAll() function that is called when a value in any filter changes. If it is “local”, so call the grid.filter() function to filter locally. Otherwise let the built-in logic run: Code Snippet

After using a custom filter-method it worked.