Bug, datatable with dragColumn and column group

In following snippet, when you drag January in 2008 to 2009…

And when you drag column in group throw exception

May be the quick solution is attach onBeforeColumnDrag event to block that columns

I can confirm js error while dragging columns from the header colspan - it will be fixed in the next update.

Still, drag-n-drop in datatable with colspans in header will not fully work. You will be able to use d-n-d events to reconstruct header through custom events though.

I am currently evaluating Webix; this issue is still present. Dragging column groups does not work correctly. Any plans to fix this issue?

Here’s the snippet:


Another issue we are seeing with column groups is that hiding the group (via the header context menu) does not work.

Here’s the snippet:

Thanks in advance!

Hello @alexis,

Another issue we are seeing with column groups is that hiding the group (via the header context menu) does not work.

With some additional configuration provided to the headermenu object, it is possible to fully hide the spanned columns: https://snippet.webix.com/i6etct12. All you have to do is to specify the spans property and set it to true.

Hi Dzmitry,
Thank you for the above answer. However, dragging column groups does not work. Please try dragging column groups, and you will see it does not work as expected.

Snippet: https://snippet.webix.com/i6etct12

Could you please suggest how to make dragging column groups work correctly, or when a fix will be available?