Auto-width for columns in Pivot table

How can i set the Pivot so tje width of the columns will be automatically set by the content of the cell content?

Hello @Sannikovis ,
By default, Pivot columns have fixed with - 150 px.
Grid columns has two options for columns auto-sizing (please see the chapter “Column → Relative Sizing”):

  • fillspace to fit the available space (can be limited by minWidth)
  • adjust to fit the content (of the header, cells, or both)

Please note that these features are opposite and can’t be used in the same column at a time.

In your case, please use adjust property:

Thanks! In your snippet can you see “15” after “14” the header? In my browser it is hidden :frowning:

@Sannikovis ,
In which browser the issue occurs for you?
I have checked in the Chrome and it works fine for me.