Send few files catch the error and error files again

Hi i am trying to achieve some effect but it does not work. There is uploader with multi files support option, when triggering onFileUploadError i am trying to send error file again (there is user defined counter with maximum 3 tries, if not succeed: display error message) but the uploader does not react after error to sending file

onFileUploadError: function(file, responce) {
	// try again to upload file
	if (currentTry <  maxTriesToUploadFiles) {
			if( =={ 

try to set item’s status to “client” before retry

onFileUploadError: function(file, responce) {
    // try again to upload file
    if (currentTry <  maxTriesToUploadFiles) {
            if( =={ 
                 obj.status = "client";

Nice it works! Thanks!!!