Why does datatable select one row upper than actual row I selected?

When datatable is full and before the left scroll bar appears, the select operation starts to behave unnormal. When I select actual row, it selects the one row upper than my selected row. But when scroll bar appears, this bug disappears.

Hello, @Yryskul

Could you, please, provide a snippet with the issue, so we could try to figure it out.

Best regards

Webix version 5.4 GPL with webix jet. Add rows till the end before scroll appears, and try to select the rows. Code Snippet

Hello, @Yryskul

Unfortunately, we have to confirm the problem. This issue appears only in the 5.4 Webix version. So the solution is to update the version to 6.0 as a minimum.
In general, we always recommend using the latest version of the Webix, since many features are connected and there is no technical possibility to patch the old version with a fix from the new one. Plus, the project is developing, which means that new useful things appear and old problems disappear.
The update was big enough, so please check the changelog and update instructions. This information is extremely important when updating

An alternative option would be to return to version 5.3, where the error also does not appear.

Best regards

Thanks @AlenaLisava