Removing empty rows

Needed help with removing empty rows from datatable.
Lets say a datatable has 10 rows, but only 6 of those have data. I would like to remove the 4 empty rows. Is there a webix function that can help me do it or a webix way to do it ? Wanted to avoid having to loop through each row and checking for empty values? Appreciate the help.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that you need to use show () here. In general, if you need a website, you can contact experts here

Hi Hanna, that does not seem to serve the prupose. I have a webix datatable and would like to load just the non-empty rows.

is your data local or from server?
do you want to sync data among dataprocessors?
would be better if you create a snippet wth your scenario.
to hide empty rows you can use filter
if you sync table with different source then you can filter data during sync