responsive padding

hi, i have one row with 3 columns. The design is responsive and to make space between columns i use padding, but when the screen size is very small and all column are under each other the padding is not need. Does exist a way to change padding dynamically due to screen size

as an alternative try to use {type:"wide"} in responsive layout

but padding still exist from the right side, i need that in small screens the widths all elements will be the same

are you sure? did you check the snippet above?
I do not see any padding.

it works in small screen good, but in large screens i need paddings

does exist something like this ?

template : "col 1", id:"col1Temaplate", css:"gi_col1",  minWidth:250,
														      top:5, bottom:5, left:0, right:20

if (window.width < 600) {
   $$("col1Temaplate").padding.right = 0;
} else {
   $$("col1Temaplate").padding.right = 20;

{type:"wide"} has right padding as you need, but not quite large.
depending on skin 5 or 10px
check this as a workaround
you will need a bit deeper implementation

awesome thanks a lot for your help now i found what i need !