Proxy after saveAll result() not invoked ?

i have a saveall proxy:

webix.proxy.saveall = {
$proxy: true,
saveAll: function (view, updates, dp) {
return result = webix.ajax().put(this.source, { data: updates });
result: function (view, dp, text, data, loader) {
console.log("!!! saveAll Result");

All worked i get back the new id’s form the Server:

[ { id: 1626427241907, newid: 476, status: ‘success’ } ]

but the result function will never called, what do i wrong ?

Hello, @alst

The thing is that result could never be called if it receives data in a different format than it expects. We will check the documentation and change it to make more clear.
Currently, try to use saveAll.then instead.