Clearing a Filter

Hi, Could someone point me towards documentation on how to clear any and all filters applied to a datatable, on the click of a button?
Thanks SrvrSide

You can try the code as follows

dtable.eachColumn(function(id, col){
     var filter = this.getFilter(id);
     if (filter){
          if (filter.setValue) filter.setValue("")
          else filter.value = "";

Thank you very much. Having tried this, it obviously works as intended, but could you suggest how I would have the dataview redraw the columns as they should be presented now the filter is lifted?
I (incorrectly) assumed dtable.refresh() or dtable.refreshColumns() would do the trick, but it seems not.
Thank you SrvrSide

You can use


To reapply filters

Thank you very much.

Hi Maksim,

Is there a way to check custom filters applied to the columns of data table and can be cleared on the button click?

Kaleem B N