refresh filemanager.


I change the root file as following “fileManager.locales.en[‘My Files’] = this.rootfolder || ‘live’;” inside webix.ready(() =>{ }) before webix.ui({}) which works fine but now I would like to make an endpoint call that returns the root folder name and refresh the file manager. is it possible?

my regards,

Kanimba Eric


Changing the locale to set a different root name is a dirty fix indeed :slight_smile: I think it is better to set the name of the root in Backend.getRootName(). You can redefine the method to return anything else (a string):

getRootName() {
	const _ ="locale")._;
	//return _("My Files");
	return _("live"); // also do not forget to add this string to locales if you need localization; if not, you can simply return "live" here

Hence this very method can be used to return the name of the root folder: $$("files").getService("backend").getRootName(). To refresh FM, you can call $$("files").$app.refresh().

endpoint in your question suggests that you want to fetch the name of the root from the backend, am I right? If I am, you can redefine getRootName to send requests, but then you would return a promise from this method and will have to redefine code that calls getRootName (because that code expects it to return a string synchronously). I guess you can also cache the root name so as not to send requests every time a view with that panel is repainted.