MIME checks and form names

a curl command or Postman and any other client where I can specify the name of the form works fine but Webix.

The backend checks for the MIME data for the form field name as in the curl command

curl... --form 'file=@"/Users/luca2/Github/webix1/curl/IRISinEKS2.pdf

I am missing the way to specify that name. In this case it’s that file string.

I tried with

formData:{ name:"file"} 
// and
formData:{ file="something"}

but it does not work.

We have also tried to change the backend MIME Data check that we have, to

  • filename and even to
  • upload (yes the value; getting desperate here)

because when debugging, I see that you send:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="myFile.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf

Any suggestion greatly appreciated…

FYI whatever I define in formData it is never passed in the request you send.
it is always exactly the same as I reported above or:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="myFile.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf

I don’t know how other people can make this work when the backend checks for MIME…

Thanks for any support

For posterity,
the solution I implemented for the time being is to use the “upload” string that is supplied by default in the Content-Disposition definition.
That is the HTML field in the form that webix appears to create by default.


By using the “upload” as the field name in the backend where there is the MIME check I got it to work.

IMO it is a shame that other field and values are never passed from the formData definition.