Infinite scroll in datatable for dynamic data loading

How can paging via infinite scroll be done in a datatable? Is there a sample for this? Perhaps combining dynamic loading with onAfterScroll?

I found Dynamic loading with appending content but it’s not clear where the content is appended when I click the button (bug?)

Do you want to have a really infinite scroll or do you have a big, but limited dataset and just want to data dynamically when a user navigates through the datatable.

Second is a “dynamic loading.”

As for the sample, yep it doesn’t show the intended use-case. Will update it later today. Still you can use onAfterScroll and load or loadNext command. Response from load command will be added to the end of dataset

for datasets that have “onAfterScroll”… this is an example on datatable

onAfterScroll: function () {
var maxHeight = (this.count() * this.config.rowHeight) - this.getNode().scrollHeight;
var scrollState = this.getScrollState();
if (maxHeight === scrollState.y) {
console.log(‘Bottom reached!’);