datatable url with args? How to refresh it?

How to get table data with args from web service
How to refresh table data?

something like:

view: “datatable”,
url: “api/controller/action”,
args: {id=1, name=“xyz”},


and call:

Assuming that you have

{ view: "datatable", id:"d1", url: "api/controller/action", args: {id=1, name="xyz"}, ... }

Later you can use


Unfortunately we use abstract issue for standart grid commands, so it cannot be suitable
What about grid.reload() method?
Its seems a standart approach for client UI

You can add your own methods to the grid

          this.load(url || this.config.url);
}, webix.ui.datatable)

Now you can create { view:"mygrid" } and use the grid.reload method

Thank you, its great)