Currency, mask, percents editors

Whow can I edit formatted number values (money, integer, percents …)??
Text elements reset values into the null or convert to the string value, and allows any sumbols on input

For example

Please, check those articles:

Moreover, the template can contain any html or a function.
To prevent the input of the string values, you can use the following code:

I know, but… Unfortunately, the answer is not satisfied (
I asked about form editors. Such as text or Counter

Hi, this functionality is not yet implemented in Webix, but you can achieve it by some customization:

You need to differentiate between the formatted and raw value and set these values depending on the user action.

Although Webix since the original discussion includes a format option, this blog is still valid for custom or complex inputs.

But consider adding a method to clean up return values:

$getValue: function () {
return Number(this.getInputNode(this.node).value.replace(/[^\d.-]/g, ‘’));