Regarding Textarea

I have a text-area where user can enter only 255 character, I wrote a code like

view : "textarea",
							label : a,
							inputWidth : 1100,
							labelWidth : 250,
							labelAlign : "right",
							value : "",
							id : "test1",
							disabled : false,
							attributes:{ maxlength:255 }

but user are able to enter more than 255 character, in IE 9 & IE 10 its not working as expected, So can you please suggest any solution so that we can restrict user .

The solution with “maxlength” attribute uses the native HTML5 property, which is not supported in older browsers.

You can duplicate it with a custom event handler

Such code will use native maxlength where it available and will use custom text limit logic in IE8-IE10

Thank you maksim, its working as expected.

How to make that onChange script universal and reuse the code for other textarea components?
Is the protoUI only solution?

Hello @Jacekk015 ,
Yes, the best way to solve it is using protoUI
Please check