How to exclude font-awesome (already loaded) and split components (for dynamic loading)

Hi there,

I am new to webix and I wonder about two things:

a) Is there a way to exclude font-awesome from the webix source. We have a own resource api that automatically bundles required css and js resources including all dependencies required by a site. As we have other resources that depend on font-awesome too, this would result in loading it twice and would increases download size.

b) The webix.js seems to include all components as one big file (got the pro trial version). I would prefer bundling required components only or loading some components on demand. Is there a version that has the core and components split into separate files?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Yes please - do enable a way to exclude Font Awesome from automatic loading. It’s a hassle to keep updating it, and the Webix CDN has repeatedly failed to do so.

Also, for many applications, the entire FA (with hundreds of icons), is overkill when they only need 10-20 icons, which can be packaged as a much smaller font file.