serverside options for multicombo is not working

How to get multicombo items from the server? This sample is not working:
{ view: “multicombo”, options = “api/controller/action” }, it’s called only once

By default, dynamic loading for ui.multicombo is disabled. Please use the next code:

view:"multicombo", suggest:{
     body: {

It’s fine working, but previous values are hidden

Multicombo control may contain list of ids, eg ‘id1,id2’, but linked values are not in server suggested list, so they are hidden.

Can I get these ids on the server?

Are you talking about the case, when combo doesn’t load data initially (or not all data at least ) and need to show the previously selected values ?

Yes, exactly!! …not all data at least.
There are about 10 000+ rows - too mach to load initially

You can provide previously selected object with their IDs and text values. So multicombo will render them and will allow to load new suggestions dynamically in the same time.


	view:"multicombo", width:300,
	label: 'Fruit',  name:"fruit",
	value:[{id: "1", value: "Afghanistan"},{"id":83, "value": "Luxembourg"}],
			dataFeed: "server/data.php"

I’ve testeed it, works fine, thank you!
The same discussion, may be useful for somebody:

does not work!