Populate columns after item in combo selected

is it possible to attach an event to combo editor to fill collumns in datatable? Something like

{ id: "comboID", header: "Vorname", editor: "richselect", suggest: { 
      body: { 
           url: "JSON/DB.json", datatype: "DBjson" 
}, width: 150, click: autofill() }
function autofill(){
$$("comboID").onItemClick($$("table").fill( Column1: "IDcol1", Column2:"IDcol2"));

so when an item from combobox is selected it will instantly fill up other collumns. ( Data from combobox and other columns is in one JSON file ).

i’ve figured out that i should do it like that

{ id: "comboID", header: "Vorname",width: 150, editor: "combo", 
                        suggest: {
                            body: {
                                url: "JSON/DB.json", 
                                datatype: "DBjson" , 
                                on: {
                                    "onItemClick": function (){ }

But the question is , is there a method like .fill or something to populate fields.

The following approach will autofill all columns of the row where a new value was selected. But there’s one more thing:

Data from richselect and other columns is in one JSON file

If you save data to the same file, options will be overridden too. After the data reloading you can lose some options, so please consider a possibility to load them from another file.

    var item = this.getItem(id); //an item from the suggest list
    var row = datatable.getEditor().row;
    var ditem = datatable.getItem(row); //a data item with the opened editor
      if (column != "id")
        ditem[column] = item[column]; 
        //preserves item's id, overrides other attributes

Listtopad , just want to say that i love you !! Thank you sooo much !