FileManager download request's parameter has wrong value (Path!)

Hi, Experts. I’m making a backend application for FileManager as sample code PHP but I’m using Java.

But there is some issue about download.

When I upload file, and try to download without any refresh,
the download request parameter named source (it is path, I think maybe id of file) has some UTC string, ultimately, it failed cuz of wrong path for download.

When I upload File, I return below JSON array like.


below I upload file (virtual root)/test2 directory name httpclient-4.3.6.jar file

but when I try to this file after finish upload (I check the file exist on server),
the Download Request give me only UTC string on Source NOT a FILE ID! as below


I don’t want to refresh as soon as finish upload.

Is it kind of Bug?


and, How can I catch the event received response about upload.
Because Though I send File to Server, I take some time to save the file…
So I want to catch the event about receiving JSON Array about upload (upload completely finish)

for example, When I upload big file data… UI seems to fininsh soonly but webapplication’s work dosen’t finsh yet, So I want to hold the page utill the upload is completely fininshed and lastly giving the message to user…
But I don’t know how can I do this using filemanager…

Could give any help plz?

Normally, component expects that after file uploading, server side will return new file ID. In your case, it seems the server side response is malformed, and component do not apply the new id.

Please try to change the response like next


not an array, but an object

How can I catch the event received response about upload.

fm.getUploader().attachEvent("onFileUpload", handler);

getUpload returns an instance of webix.ui.uploader, so you can use any API or events of uploader widget. You can use the same object to handle upload errors.

Thank you. the Path problem is gone. And I’ll try about upload handler.

But before the received event. I have some problem when I finish upload…
Maybe I’ll try your merciful answer after the problem is gone.