Custom editor and editRow

I’ve created a custom editor that calls a calendar popup to select a date, because with the regular date editor, when calling the editRow method, the column with the date editor won’t open.

The problem now is that while I’m editing an entire row, the date_custom won’t show the popup after it is first shown. It opens after calling editRow (as is intended) but if I focus the first column, I’ve got no way to open the calendar popup again.

Is this some config or event I’m missing while setting up the editor? afterRender and focus are only called when opening that column’s editor individually (outside editRow).

What I intend to do is to have an entire row editable and only close the editors when all values have been filled (not on pressing escape or enter).



by default, only one cell is editable at a moment. To make the whole row editable by click (or any custom action), you need to call the editRow() method:

    "onItemClick":function(id){  this.editRow(id); }

And the built-in “date” editor will be opened as well, but without an input in the related cell, it’s normal behavior.

"…only close the editors when all values have been filled " - then you will need to check it in the onBeforeEditStop event handler and return false if some value is missing: