DataTable problem with filtering.


I am using Webix and found it very useful and well documented.

I met a problem implementing a data table with both filtering and scrolling enabled.

The problem is:
With vertical scrolling enabled, when you scroll some rows down, and then filters the grid, some rows will no longer show.


we can not reproduce the problem locally. Here is the demo:

A simple test: scroll datatable down, then filter by the “Sh” (first record)

The result - the first record is visible

Could you send more details about the issue or a sample ?


I tested the demo again, found it work well both with Firefox and IE.
The problem occurs when using Opera (My opera wersion is Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.16) and Safari (iPad ios 7). In the demo, scroll datatable down, then filter by the “Sh” (first record), nothing shows.

Hi James,

I’ve reproduced the issue. We will check what can be done to solve it.